A Tip to Bring Your Art Plans Into Focus

A Tip to Bring Your Art Plans Into Focus

It's still the height of summer here so naturally October feels like a loooong time away. In fact, the end of October is *only three months* away.

This means I've got some serious decision making to do with my Halloween costume. And more importantly, I know that by the time October closes, it'll feel like the holiday season is in full swing and dragging me down the tinsel-laden street.

Have you ever felt surprised and swept up by how fast the holidays got here?  

If yes, I've got a helpful thought for you. In speaking with a few artists recently, I noticed it was helpful for them to think about what they wanted to have done by October. What was calling to them to really get done between now and then, over the course of just three months? 

Thinking of it this way brought things into clear focus. Each artist said they wanted to do very specific things like having a show, making more art, start using their mailing list, and making long overdue website updates. 

So, let's pretend it's the end of October. --Pumpkins are carved. Candy wrappers are finding their way into your sofa cushions.-- And when that last day of October rolls around on the calendar, what would you like to say you accomplished between now and then? 

What's most important to you? What would you like to have done in 3 months?

Let me know in the comments. I'd love to hear what surfaces when you bring your next 3 months into focus.  


Posted on July 22, 2021 and filed under Mindset, Website, Selling.