Instagram For Artists Do’s and Don'ts

Instagram for Artists Do's and Don'ts - title over a pad of Things To Do paper with pink pen and keyboard.

I want to see more artists like you being successful when they share their work online, on Instagram specifically. 

Artists should feel confident when they go to post online and not worry if they’re posting the “right” thing, if they sound too grandiose, or like they’ve missed the boat when it comes to social media.

Instagram For Artists Do’s and Don'ts

If you’re wanting to use Instagram for your art, I have a few suggestions on what you won’t want to do versus what you’ll definitely want to do.

Complete Your Bio

When you first create an Instagram account, be sure to complete all of your profile. Include your name, especially if your instagram handle/name is different. This way, when people search for you, they’ll be able to find you. 

Also, add a link to to your website or shop to learn more and buy your art. 

Creatively Share Your Art

Post images of your art that are well lit, don’t have a lot of text and highlight the unique features of your pieces. 

Tell The Story

Artists often feel that if they just post a photo and a few hashtags that they’re good. In reality, if you really want to stop the scroll you need a caption. 

When you explain your post in the text, also known as a caption, this is what will draw people in and get them to understand and fall in love with your work.

Hashtags Are Your Friends

Do a little research to find the best hashtags so you can attract new followers looking for the type of art you create.

Create a set of hashtags that you can use again and again. 

Incorporate fresh hashtags that are relevant to the image and caption you share which will be different every time. 

Use hashtags that share the location of where you are in the world or of the gallery you’re showing with.

Be Consistent

If you want to post once a week or once a day, be consistent. Instagram’s algorithm wants to know when to expect you on the platform and they will reward you for being regular by organically sharing your posts out to your followers.

Be Social

Don’t post and ghost. Make sure that you hang around after you post and respond to comments.

Not sure what to say? The Key To Selling Art That You May Be Missing will give you ideas on how to leave a three-sentence comment that builds a connection with the person.

Analyze Your Feed

Check your analytics, also known as Insights on Instagram. 

If you have a business or creator account, you’ll be able to see how many people saw your post based on hashtags, how many found you from your home feed or other areas of Instagram.

This will guide future posts so you can continue to create the type of posts that have high engagement.

How To Boost Your Art On Instagram

Past clients have said that when they’ve boosted their posts, it’s gotten some traction and it’s helped to get some eyes on their offer. After a few times, however, the results seemed less effective. 

If you feel like you’d like to try a boosted ad for one of your posts, I recommend you look at doing it as an experiment to see what results you get.

There are more effective ways to use ads on Instagram but they come with a much higher cost for running the ad, more technical know-how and they require you to do more upfront to make sure you’re really getting your money’s worth. 

Need An Instagram Plan?

If you’re looking to promote your art on Instagram, reach out to discuss how I can show you a proven process to get you there even faster.

Posted on October 22, 2021 and filed under Social Media.