3 Secrets To Become A Confident Artist

3 Secrets to Become a Confident Artist title text over abstracted photo of pink, blue and yellow strips over leopard print elements.

One of the most popular questions I get asked is, "How can I become confident as an artist?" Confidence is something we all have to work on, whether you are a natural-born confident person or not. Taking small strategic actions in ways that feel safe is a path to building confidence little by little. It doesn’t happen overnight.

If we let our doubt take over and convince ourselves we’re not good enough, it can stop us from creating our best work. Eventually, we may stop making anything at all.

Today I’m sharing three secrets that can help you become the confident artist you want to be.

What Does Confidence Mean?

According to YourDictionary, “the definition of confident is to be certain about something or feeling sure of yourself and your abilities.” Confidence is the belief in your own ability, skills, and knowledge. It’s also an integral part of personal and professional success.

Artistic confidence allows you to not care what other people think of your work. It’s what allows us to lean into creating and doing what comes naturally to us in our own way. We don’t need to compare ourselves, no matter how amazing other people’s art is. In fact, when we are confident we are able to appreciate and experience their creativity as well.

Sales confidence allows us to feel good about putting a price tag on our art and putting our work out there, available for people to purchase. For many artists, while they feel super confident in their skills and art-making abilities, they may not feel the same about their level of confidence when it comes to sales. There are many areas where you may want to grow your confidence as an artist. 

Secret 1: How To Be A Confident Artist

It’s easy to feel vulnerable when you sell and promote an extension of yourself. You can build self-confidence by stopping to consider all your creative accomplishments. 

At what age did you start working on your art skills? Did you attend an arts program or series of workshops? Perhaps you had real-life mentorship or other hands-on experience as you spent hours drawing, sculpting, or creating. Over the course of your life, what confidence boosters have you accumulated to help you grow into the person you are today who makes the awesome work that you make?

You can become a confident artist by working to overcome imposter syndrome. To help with this, practice owning the fact that you are the expert and nobody knows your art better than you. Reframe negative thoughts into positive ones by embracing the fact that people are curious and want to know more about your artwork, and the story behind it. 

Try things that are outside of your comfort zone. When you push past the fear of failure, these are often the very things that make us grow the most. To make it less scary, prepare yourself for all possible outcomes. What’s the best that could happen? The worst? How could you react in either situation? Whether it’s presenting to a gallery, meeting with an art collector, or marketing your art, trust in the plan and yourself.

Secret 2: Feel Confident About Your Art

Remind yourself that you make amazing art. And, if that thought feels too big or you don't fully believe it yet, try thinking this thought instead, "It's possible for me to make amazing art."

And, know that through your art practice, you can use everything you do to raise your overall confidence. 

You have amazing skills and talents that stem from your natural inclination to create. Without at least some confidence, you’d be less likely to invest the time and energy into practicing your art which could lead you to stop it altogether. Could you imagine your life without creating?

Some artists never seem satisfied with their art. They’re always finding faults and putting themselves down because they can’t do it perfectly. Often their insecurity isn’t with their art but with their thoughts. 

If this sounds like you, it’s time to start talking more positively to yourself. The words you use to talk to yourself matter. If you say them long enough, they’ll become your truth. This is why it’s also important to surround yourself with a group of people who support you and the work you create. Find mentors and friends who love what you’re doing and who build you up rather than tear you down. Don’t compare yourself to their artistic journey. Learn from them and get inspired!

When you’re feeling frustrated, give yourself the space to take a break. If you’re not enjoying each moment of doing it, you won’t continue to learn. Give yourself permission to put it aside when it doesn’t feel right and come back to it when your thoughts and mood are ready for it. When you take the space you need, when you come back to it you’ll be even more inspired than you were before.

Own the fact that art is influenced by your moods and energy levels. As humans, we have good days and down days and it’s no use forcing yourself to ignore these fluctuations. Reach for your art with joy and it will show through in what you create.

Secret 3: How Does Art Build Or Improve Confidence?

Being a confident artist means you have a healthy mindset around what you create and offer the world. And, your creative self is a part of you that should be celebrated. Understanding this will only benefit your art career and boost your confidence.

When you make art and see improvements in what you make, your confidence will grow. So here’s the permission you may need to make more art so you can believe in and love your creations as they pour out of your soul and into your piece.

Next, really try to own the fact and proclaim that you are an artist. Say it with me, “I am an artist”. This small assertion that you are legitimate can be life-changing! If you’re not totally comfortable with it, I encourage you to practice testing out the thought once a week. I know it can take a little while to feel comfortable with the idea, even if there’s no denying that what you make is the work of an artist. 

As a creative being, embrace the sense of accomplishment you get when you finish a project. You’ve just improved upon a new skill or conquered a project while expressing yourself. Also, consider how you feel when someone praises your work, never mind when they offer to buy it because they love it so much they can’t live without it! 

There are so many reasons to continue your art but ultimately, keep creating because it’s inside you waiting to be made into something. And it can help you build confidence in all areas of your life. 

Make A Name For Yourself

I believe that being a confident artist is about seeing the bigger picture. It requires acceptance of yourself, your art, and your goals. It demands that you respect what you do and how you do it. Just remember to enjoy the journey of being an artist as much as the destination. 

If you’re struggling with becoming a confident artist, I can help you see things differently and grow your confidence. Wherever you are in your artistic journey, there's always room to uplevel what you do. If you’re ready to take the next step and build your confidence, book a call and let’s start the conversation.

Posted on June 3, 2022 and filed under Mindset.