More Sales & Shows With This Surprisingly Simple Strategy
A few days before my friend’s six year-old daughter was headed into her big Irish Dance competition, she cleared the top of her dresser so she could make room for the trophies she planned to win.
I thought this was super cute and of course, a hilariously awesome kid thing to do.
Sure enough, a week later, my friend showed me the photos of her daughter and her two new trophies. Boom, she knew right where they’d go!
Here’s the thing about this that I love, she planned to go get trophies. And she actually did!
She made literal, physical space for those trophies and more importantly, by doing that she made mental space for them, too. By physically making room, she also made “room” for the possibility that she’d reach her goal in her mind.
She believed that she would win even more because she could see those trophies filling the space on her dresser.
She must be a darn good dancer, right? Yes, but a couple of years ago she was just a beginner. She started like we all do, giving something new a chance that she wasn’t even sure she’d like.
She’s been learning and honing her skills, and she’s gone to other competitions so this is no longer new to her. She’s been up-leveling each time she steps onto the floor and starts dancing.
Clear Your Dresser
You can use this same technique to make room for the things you want in your life, too. Even if you don’t feel like you’re at advanced level in your specific area, you can still use this approach.
No, you’re not counting your chickens before they’re hatched. That’s a thought that comes from a scarcity mindset.
The thought around this approach is one that is positive and invites good things to come your way. Just like this little Irish dancer, you’re putting in a lot of effort and dedicating time to make this “dresser” thing happen. You’re backing up your wishes with in-the-trenches, good-old-fashioned work so you can fill your “dresser” with achieving your specific goals.
What’s the “dresser” thing you’re working toward?
It may be something small or it might be something large that means a whole lot to you, If you don’t at least try to go get it, it’s going to be one of the biggest things you regret in life. For you it might be making a living in a non-cookie cutter way while doing what you love, selling your work, or being shown in a gallery you admire.
Achieving Big Goals
What does this mean for someone who’s working toward something that feels personally huge, maybe even bigger than Irish Dance trophies? To answer that question, here’s how you can apply this same dresser technique toward reaching your big goals.
If you’re looking for more buyers...
You might go buy new folders for those future collectors or thank you cards that you’ll send to your next buyers. I once bought note cards that I was excited to send to my favorite clients—once I got those clients. By purchasing them, I was letting the universe know I was ready for those clients to come my way (and they did!).
If you’re looking to sell more of your work...
You might make room for this by creating a price list with prices you feel confident about, or by getting a mechanism like a credit card swiper to make sales, or by buying the right bubble wrap to package up your work so collectors get it home safely.
If you’re looking to show your work in a gallery setting…
You might make room for this by picking the color of the mats you’ll use to frame your work or by going to the gallery where you’d like to be shown so you can picture your work there.
Doing Into the Future
By doing something concrete and proactive, you’re inviting the new things you want into your world by making room for them. You’re intentionally saying “yes” I’ll have more of that soon.
You open up and expand the possibility for that thing—sales, clients, shows or whatever it may be—to happen. You positively change way you think about getting those big things you’ve been dreaming about.
Copy the Kid
I encourage you to take a cue from my friend’s inherently smart six year-old and make “dresser” room for that something we really want. Let me know in the comments: What’s one thing you can do to make room for your next goal?
Here’s to you clearing the way for the things you want!