The Way to Start Your Next Creative Adventure

The Way to Start Your Next Creative Adventure

When it comes to social media as a creative person, do you feel like that boat has set sail and left on the dock? If so, I want to say, I hear you. And, I hear that from a lot of my clients. That feeling is very understandable for a lot of reasons. 

Maybe it’s that your feeling left behind in some other area like getting to know gallerists, collectors or what to put on your website. Know that you’re in good company here, too. 

Here’s the thing that I want to share with you about this. 

If you're up for an adventure, know that it’s never too late and you're never too old. You may feel like it is but that is probably a story your brain has created to keep you safe from rejection, fear and a whole host of other worries (thank you dear Brain. -not).  

You can still catch the next boat.

If you're up for a change, know that you can make that happen. 

Luckily, if you're reading this, you're probably an artist or maker or creative person which comes in handy in this kind of situation. It means that you've already got the skills you need to find creative ways to start your adventure, whether it's selling what you make or learning how to do Instagram or jumping mediums from painting to sculpture. As a creative person you know how to problem solve and find a path to get where you want to go. 

The first step is where it starts. 

What's your first step? 

Seriously. What would be the very first, smallest possible step you could take to start your adventure? Is it to schedule thirty minutes on your calendar to look up how to download Instagram? Could it be to buy a canvas and brushes so you can try painting for the very first time? Or maybe taking a beginning pottery class so you can finally feel what it’s like to try your hand at clay?

Once you take that first baby step, the idea is that you keep taking small steps, one at a time, until you find yourself on your adventure, reaching the bigger goals you set for yourself. 

Know that I’m cheering you on to take that tiny first step. I know you can do that step, and all the steps after it. One by one. 

I bet your first step is very specific to you. As it should be. 

How about you jot it down right now in your sketchbook? If you write it down, you’re much more likely to take action and do that thing you wrote down. 42% more likely per a study at the Dominican University. 

And, if you’re willing to share, I’d love to hear about that teeny step you want to take that’ll start you on your creative adventure. Post it in the comments to inspire someone with taking their own first steps.

Cheers to your new adventures!


Posted on October 18, 2019 .