What Is An Art Business Coach?

What Is An Art Business Coach?, article title overlaying two artists at a table working on a website.

A lot of artists feel like they can’t really make a living from what they make. So they either work at their art part-time or give it up altogether. I became an art business coach because I’m passionate about helping artists figure out how to make a living with their unique talents.

As An Artist, I Totally Understand

I work with motivated visual artists who want to earn more money from their work. With a penchant for creating amazing art, they know that they have to give it a chance because if they don’t, they’re afraid they’ll always regret letting that part of them go.

I teach you how you can connect and engage with the right people who want to show your work and invest in your art, allowing you to get the recognition you deserve—and make money doing the creative work you love!

As an art business coach, I help visual artists with the business side of their art practice. It's not the same as an art therapist, graphic design coach, or art teacher. If you're looking for help with your art practice, it can be helpful to know what kinds of things coaches can do for you. Here are a few examples…

Make Business Information Accessible

A good art business coach has a way of presenting the non-art making information in an easy-to-understand way.

I break down ideas into smaller and smaller steps that make logical sense, using simple terms and phrases as well as examples from your own life. This helps you see the big picture. You can look at each element of your practice individually and then see how all the pieces come together to create your big picture vision for your art.

I also share stats and best practices that can take forever to hunt down and that’s if you know to look for them. Knowing these details, can make a huge impact on how quickly you get where you want to go with your art.

For example, do you know how many times on average that someone needs to interact with you before they feel comfortable to buy from you? It’s 7-12 times. Knowing this fact is powerful because it allows you to make a plan to better connect with people. It might look like you decide to post more on social media or send a newsletter to your audience to help connect with them 7-12 times so you will have built their trust well enough that they’re ready to buy from you.

Get You Excited About Your Art Career

After coaching sessions, it’s not uncommon to feel excited about your art career and come away with a renewed sense of purpose. 

You’ll have greater clarity about what you want, how to get there, and how to make it happen. Plus you leave with a greater sense of confidence in your ability to achieve your goals than when you came in because as an artist and an art business coach, I appreciate how much work goes into creating something from nothing. And I know how to guide you through building your confidence levels. 

Many artists find their first coaching sessions refreshing and exciting because they're finally getting to focus on their art career instead of struggling through it all on their own.

Help You Envision The Life You Want

A good art business coach will help you envision the life you want for yourself and will help you find the best strategies for getting there. A great coach will encourage you to dream, but also hold you accountable and make sure those dreams won't get lost in the hustle and bustle of daily life.

I provide a framework for success by asking questions like: How does your art fit into your overall goals? What does making your specific art do for you? What’s something that you’d love to happen for your art that feels so big and unattainable but you’d feel ecstatic if the opportunity landed in your lap?  

The answers to questions like these may not come easily - in fact, they're often deeply personal and hard-won but, as you begin to answer these questions, it becomes easier to recognize what's working well in your career and identify areas where you’re experiencing resistance.

Give You A New Perspective

Through our work together, you get a new perspective on your work and your career. The best coaches are able to see the big picture, which is something the artist often can’t do because they’re immersed in it every day.

I help you tap into what others think of your work, how they might perceive that work, and how they might respond to it. And, what to do with that kind of feedback. You’ll understand what value you add to people’s lives through your artwork and creative offerings, where that value lies within each possible audience segment (aka your demographic), and how much each potential audience member is willing to pay for said art (e.g. the price point).

Help You Find New Ways Of Approaching Your Career

Let me help you find new ways of approaching your art career so you can get past what’s holding you back and be able to embrace and take action toward your goals and aspirations. It’s like having a trusted friend who helps you navigate the ins and outs of your art career. You get a fresh perspective on your work and help to identify obstacles in your way as well as ways around them. 

It’s a unique opportunity to work with an art business coach because it’s the chance to work with a person who understands how to help an artist like you meet their individual goals for visibility, community, connection, and income tailored to your time and way of working. If this is something you’re curious to learn more about, I invite you to schedule a complimentary call with me to see if working together is a fit for you to reach your goals. I’m helping artists like you literally make their next big win on a daily basis so I know you can get in on seeing those kinds of results, too.

Posted on August 5, 2022 and filed under Mindset, Teaching.